
  • COVID-19

    The COVID-19 pandemic has reduced the department's ability to provide all services

    • Outpatient referral initial consultations may be delayed
    • All outpatient reviews will be conducted via telehealth. Face to face consultations will only be performed in select cases after an initial telehealth review.
    • Our sleep study service has closed to non urgent patients as of March 26th until further notice. We will continue to study urgent patients in hospital where necessary, including infants
    • Our respiratory function lab has closed as of March 16th

    Department of Respiratory and Sleep Medicine

    Respiratory Medicine Laboratory

    Sleep Services

    Patients requiring a sleep study must have a consultation with a Sleep Physician at The Royal Children's Hospital.

    • Current inpatients require a consult form to be entered through EMR.
    • Current outpatients require a referral to a Sleep Physician in the Specialist Clinics to be entered through EMR.
    • All external referrals should use the external referral form on the Specialist Clinic Referrals webpage

      Overnight Oximetry referrals

      Current outpatients require a referral to the Wallaby Ward (Hospital in the Home)

      All external referrals should use the external referral form found here:

      *Please note this is a screening test for Obstructive Sleep Apnoea, a negative test does not exclude the diagnosis.

      Bronchiectasis Clinic

      The multi-disciplinary bronchiectasis clinic, established in 2018, manages children who have been diagnosed of bronchiectasis due to any cause (excluding cystic fibrosis).

      Children are managed by physicians and a dedicated respiratory physiotherapist. Referrals will be accepted from pediatricians only. For any questions regarding suitability for this clinic, please contact Prof Phil Robinson or Dr Danielle Wurzel.